As a young adult, I remember finding the Scarleteen website. It was full of straightforward information and advice that I found tremendously helpful. Fast forward to today, and I’m now an educator who’s partnering with Scarleteen to write advice articles for today’s young people.
The person behind Scarleteen is Heather Corinna, and as someone who’s been writing advice columns for teens for decades, I knew she’d have a lot to offer when I prepared to write my most recent article, The Birds and the Bees.
In this interview, we talk about how to get started talking to your kids about sex, even if it’s long overdue, how to navigate discussions about porn and masturbation, and being an askable adult.
I highly recommend donating to Scarleteen if you can - they’re a nonprofit funded by donations, and every little bit helps them continue providing great information and support to youth who may not have anyone they can talk to about their challenges or concerns.
Heather’s books:
Wait, What?: A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up
S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties
What Fresh Hell Is This?: Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities, and You
Rebel Well: A Starter Survival Guide To a Trumped America For Teens & Emerging Adults
Additional resources:
Heather Corinna’s website
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